
OBEC Horse and Pony Loan Scheme


Many riders have or have had a wish to own their own horse or pony at some point during their time spent riding at a riding school or maybe they had a friend or family that had horses to ride.

It could also have been that you did own at some point but for whatever reason are no longer able to have a full commitment of horse ownership possibly family ties, work time or financial or possibly  your local RS does not have the calibre of horse you wish to ride, here at OBEC we have a number of advanced horses & ponies for shares.

Loaning or sharing with us is the answer to that dilemma with a number of options that could suit your situation.

All horses on the scheme are our licensed riding school horses so you will be confident that they are safe, healthy and know their role. Some are feisty and need a more confident educated rider  and some are suitable to the rider wishing simply to hack out or for those wishing to have more hours in the saddle to gain extra skills. 

We also have mini ponies for those wishing to simply spend time grooming and bonding with a pony for health and mental well being reasons at quieter times of the week.


You must be able to ride independently of an instructor and be competent in basic horse care and handling in catching up, grooming and tacking up in preparation to ride. We have a number of Horsecare sessions to book which you can take with your instructor.

You will need to attend a Pre Loan Competency session before taking on a loan from the centre. These assessments  are booked as a regular lesson via the booking line at with you adding a Rider Note that it is a Pre Loan session (PLA).

All loaners must be a member of one of the following:  Old Bexley Stables Pony Club Centre Plus member, British Horse Society Silver Member or Harry Hall membership. All details of these options will be available at your PLA. 


All equipment is supplied for the horse and must be looked after, kept in good order, put away after use and returned to the tack room. Any damage caused by the loaner due to negligence will be billed.

If you wish to have a Private lesson on your loan day these are discounted and are chargeable as an owner session.

You can purchase your own Woodland permit on application to the Trust should you wish to ride out into the woods or if you need an escort you can book a discounted hack through the office. 

All sharers are expected to look and care for their horse or pony share at all times and not put or cause the horse to injured due to negligence or bad practices.  In the event of your share horse or pony not being available for any particular health reason or something outside your care a suitable replacement will be offered.

Under the scheme all sharers are considered to be an OBEC `owner` during your time with your share and will be expected to follow the guidelines and conditions of an owner (published) with personal conduct and in the case of a younger share adult supervision is expected at all times for under 14yrs.


Loan shares 

TWO sessions  MIDWEEK which can include evenings or daytime, morning or afternoon.

Some field ponies and Shetlands* are available on a SUNDAY.       Riding and Non riding options* are available.

Morning sessions are between   9 - 12.30pm

Afternoon sessions are  between  1- 4.00pm

Evening sessions are between  5 – 8pm  

Sunday (by arrangement)         All times are approximate and can be flexible by arrangement.

Your ride time in the paddock should be NO MORE than 1hr with the usual rest periods for the horse throughout.

When riding out in the wood your ride time is no longer than 1.5 hrs.

In both cases the horse or pony is to be returned in a good condition and not brought home hot wet and sweaty.


Field Pony Loan Fees* from  £180pcm                                     Stabled Pony Loan Fees from  £200pcm                           

Stabled Horse Loan Fees From £250pcm     Shetland* Pony Loan Fee from £99pcm

(Additional days may be booked on application)

Flexibility will be available during school holidays and illness. In the event of a pre booked vacation your ride time will be made up on return.

All shares are contracted on a 1 month advance payment and 1 WEEK notice deposit (Required prior to start up)  basis so your initial commitment is for a minimum of FIVE weeks, during this time you have the option to change your horse or pony should you not be settled on your first choice.

Free Rein Riding  (FRR) Monday to Friday ONLY

We also have a scheme for those that wish ` to ride on their own` without an instructor. This scheme is a fantastic option for those not able to commit to a share contract. All riders must be competent experienced riders that have been fully assessed by a senior instructor of OBEC.

Cost is £35per Paddock Ride.    Cost is £45 per Woodland Ride Out.

You are expected to groom and  prepare the horse to ride and ensure that horse is cared for after ride as an `owner` and all equipment is safely put away.


Please do not hesitate to contact OBEC or your instructor on any details on the options available.

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