Stage 1/2 MOCK Assessment Day

RIDE Assessment


To book a space, please log in

Wendy Tucker BHS SM

is hosting a British Horse Society MOCK ASSESSMENT day for Stage 1 and 2  BHS Challenge Awards in the Ride/Lunge sections.

The day will also be OPEN to riders looking for a concise and frank assessment of their current riding skills level and what they might need to work on with their coach to progress further and make improvements.

Minimum age 13yrs.

Fee: £40

Day will consist of RIDE sections of Stage 1 and 2 and Challenge Awards and LUNGE sections of Stage 2.

The day is open to all potential BHS assessment candidates and those wanting to have a look at what the Assessments contain and the timetable of an assessment day and to ascertain if they are ready to book their assessments.

For those requiring a Stage 2 Skills Record sign off this day will give this opportunity.

All refreshments will be available throughout the sessions.

The day will be on a working yard and clients should wear comfortable and warm outdoor clothing and long riding boots or short boots and gaiters.

Yard boots are not permitted for the ride section.

All handouts and printed information will be given and can be used for further training sessions and research.

Full syllabus for Stage 1 and Stage 2 can be found at: